Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Censorship ala Pakatan Rakyat

I do not fancy reading Anwar’s blog simply because I do not write his writing style.

Sample words:
enteng, kerencatan, meluncurkan, nusa, persekongkolan, wacana

Sample phrases:
muslihat kalangan tertentu, sensiviti mauduk,

Sample sentences:
Saya menyinggung isu ini beberapa hari sebelum majlis berlansung.
Propaganda dan plot yang direncana oleh elit pemerintah terutamanya di kalangan yang dekat dengan Perdana Menteri sememangnya tidak bertanggungjawab.
Kerakusan serta ketamakan mereka kepada kuasa, membuatkan mereka sanggup untuk menodai institusi-institusi kenegaraan dan demokrasi di negara ini.
Dunia sedang menyaksikan komedi gelap bagaimana aparat-aparat rakus kuasa sanggup memalsukan bukti demi memastikan segelintir terus memerintah.

My Bahasa Malaysia teacher (or Bahasa Melayu as introduced by Anwar when he was the Education Minister) would surely fail him. If those were part of his speech, an average Malay maybe impressed, but not understand whatever he is trying to say.

As a newbie in the blogsphere, I tried to post commentaries in some of the blogs that I visited. Most of the time, I succeeded. Except for two blogs.

I am still waiting approval from labisman to get myself included as a member of Malaysia Today, to enable me to participate in the commentaries.

On the other hand, I had twice tried to post commentaries at Anwar Ibrahim’s blog.

My posting was: Saya percaya bahawa DSAI tidak akan berani bersumpah.
The result: nothing got posted.

Is this the sign of things to come should Pakatan Rakyat form the government?

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