Sunday, August 31, 2008

Happy National Day 2008

Selamat Menyambut Hari Kebangsaan 2008.

I am so proud of Malaysia, my birthplace. Jalur Gemilang features prominently on my car, and in front of my house. I think I am one of the few car owners doing that this year.

I saw Khairy's car (plate number KJ 10Q) without the flag. UMNO Building did not feature Jalur Gemilang prominently this year. Such is the state of our ruling party. Little sense of patriotism, even at the leadership level.

On the other hand, the opposition is using the occasion to attack the ruling government, and still hoping to wrest control within a fortnight.

This was part of Anwar's statement on Merdeka Day:
"Namun genap 51 tahun merdeka kita sekali lagi berada di persimpangan. Kita melihat perlembagaan diperlekehkan, demokrasi diinjak dan institusi kenegaraan dijadikan alat penguasa."

My response (as posted in
"Anwar Ibrahim lah yang memperlekehkan segalanya, cuba memporak perandakan demokrasi dan memperalatkan penyokongnya untuk tidak memperdulikan institusi negara.
Anwar Ibrahim akan menjahanamkan kemerdekaan negara dan akan menjadikan Malaysia sebagai negara talibarut barat.
Semuanya kerana Anwar Ibrahim ingin menjadi Perdana Menteri."

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